
Well, after a good dose of steroids and my tens machine I am back on.  However, last night whilst visiting Lough Derg, Fifi cut her paw so we are grounded . . . . .  for now.

Here are a few photos from last night before the incident.

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St Patrick was said to have gone to the island on Lough Derg and lived in a cave as a retreat. He faced temptations and experienced a vision of hell hence the name St Patrick’s Purgatory.  They still organize retreats and pilgrimages.  It has been a place of pilgrimage since the sixth century making it the oldest place of pilgrimage in Western Europe.

It is also considered a sacred island before St Patrick by Pagans.

Anyway because I have been grounded and am also a tad under the weather I decided to paint with pastels.  Something a bit different.  Bluebell wood, this is the painting . . .


and the original photograph.  Been quite a busy day considering.  I hear that the lady imprisoned in Somalia for being a Christian was released today thank goodness.

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